Make it Great with What’s on Hand


Naan Pizza

Making the most of what we have on hand is a guiding principle that can assist us in many areas of life.  Lately, I have been using this concept in relation to the  meals I make for myself and my family.  I am finding that limiting my creations to what’s on hand has given a boost to my culinary adventures and given me reason to explore some new territory with the foods I choose to combine.

Upon returning home from my belated Mother’s Day herb shopping, I arranged each tender new plant in their appropriate container and came inside for lunch.  Sure, there were a few ready-to-eat leftovers available, as well as some quick-serve fare like microwave meals and canned goods. But I also knew there was that lonely half of a piece of Naan leftover from yesterday’s curry (3 days past sell by date and already heated once.)

Hmmm….what would pair well with this, I thought as I began my search in the refrigerator.  I also discovered 1/4 of a slightly over-ripe tomato and immediately pictured the two ingredients blending together with my newly acquired fresh herbs and some other tasty ingredients for a quick & healthy pizza.

Naan Pizza

Naan – (3 day-old leftover, previously baked)

Olive oil –  (about 1 Tbsp)

Fresh herbs – (I used basil, tarragon & rosemary)

Sea salt – (just a pinch)

Garlic – (1 clove, sliced thinly)

Tomato – (1/4 large, thinly sliced)

Broccoli – (I used the tender tiny “trees” near the center of one nice-sized stalk)

Red pepper ( ¼ large red pepper) – mine was slightly wrinkly on outside…still OK inside

Kalamata Olives – about 5 (pitted, sliced in half)

Parmesan Cheese (small chunks)

Mozzarella Cheese (about 1/4 cup)


Olive oil, herbs, sea salt and garlic and spread onto Naan

Layer Tomato

Layer Broccoli, Red Peppers and Kalamata Olives

Another Layer of Tomato

Parmesan Chunks

Mozzarella Cheese


425° 10 min or until cheese melts


1/2 an apple, raisins, pecans

I enjoyed my tasty creation over a ‘virtual’ lunch date with a friend.  Life is GOOD!!!